June 1, 2024 | Randall Kennedy, Michael R. Klein Professor at Harvard Law School |
Bernd Sturmfels, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |
June 3, 2023 | Arup K. Chakraborty, Institute Professor of Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
James Comer, Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine | |
Hélène Esnault, Einstein Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin | |
Callum Roberts, Professor of Marine Conservation at the Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter | |
James A. Wells, Harry W. and Diana V. Hind Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco | |
Joseph Neubauer, Chair, The University of Chicago Board of Trustees, 2015–2022 | |
Robert J. Zimmer, Edwin A. and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Mathematics and the College |
June 4, 2022 | Cora Diamond, Kenan Professor of Philosophy Emerita, University of Virginia |
Katherine H. Freeman, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences and Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University | |
Mercedes Garcia-Arenal, Research Professor, Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East, Spanish National Research Council | |
Nergis Mavalvala, Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics, and Dean of the School of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
June 9, 2021 | Paul William Brumer, University Professor and Roel Buck Chair in Chemical Physics, University of Toronto |
Dominique Charpin, Professor, Chair of Mesopotamian Civilization, Collège de France | |
Jeff Cheeger, Silver Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University | |
Jennifer A. Doudna, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator; Li Ka Shing Chancellor’s Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences, and Professor, Departments of Molecular & Cell Biology and Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley | |
Charles L. Kane, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania | |
Francoise Lavocat, Professor of Comparative Literature, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III and Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France | |
June 15, 2019 | David Charbonneau, Professor of Astronomy and Harvard College Professor at Harvard University |
Pierre-Louis Lions, Professor and Chair, Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications at the College de France | |
Amy Richlin, Distinguished Professor of Classics at the University of California, Los Angeles | |
June 9, 2018 | Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of CERN |
Charles M. Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and the Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor at Harvard University | |
Michael C.A. Macdonald, Research Associate in the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Khalili Research Centre at the University of Oxford | |
Robert E. Ricklefs, Curator’s Distinguished Professor of Biology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis | |
William S-Y. Wang, Chair Professor of Language and Cognitive Sciences at Hong Kong Polytechnic University | |
June 10, 2017 | Robert D. MacPherson, Hermann Weyl Professor, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study |
Shaul Mukamel, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine | |
Craig B. Thompson, Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences; President and Chief Executive Officer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | |
June 11, 2016 | Andrew M. Alper, Chairman, Board of Trustees, 2009-2015 |
Frances H. Arnold, Dick and Barbara Dickinson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, The California Institute of Technology | |
J. Patrick Olivelle, Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Professor Emeritus, Department of Asian Studies, The University of Texas at Austin | |
June 13, 2015 | Richard B. Alley, Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University |
Titia de Lange, Leon Hess Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics; Director of Anderson Center for Cancer Research, The Rockefeller University | |
Andreu Mas-Colell, Professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra | |
Peter Sarnak, Professor, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study | |
June 14, 2014 | Wendy L. Freedman, Crawford H. Greenewalt Chair and Director, The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Jeffrey I. Gordon, Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor, Director, Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis | |
John Huehnergard, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin | |
Andrew H. Knoll, Fisher Professor of Natural History, Harvard University | |
Grigoriy Margulis, Erastus L. DeForest Professor of Mathematics, Yale University | |
Barbara H. Partee, Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Linguistics and Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst | |
Terence Speed, Professor and Senior Principal Research Scientist, Division of Bioinformatics, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia | |
June 15, 2013 | Luis A. Caffarelli, Professor, Department of Mathematics and the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Doctor of Science |
Jennifer Clack, Professor and Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, University Museum of Zoology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Doctor of Science | |
Nicholas Cook, 1684 Professor of Music, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John Scheid, Chair, religion, institutions, et société de la Rome antique, Collège de France, Paris, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
E. Bruce Watson, Institute Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Science | |
June 9, 2012 | Jean Meyer, Professor, History Division, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Geoffrey W. Marcy, Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
R. Bruce Nicklas, Arthur S. Pearse Professor Emeritus of Biology, Duke University, Doctor of Science | |
June 10, 2011 | Mee-Mann Chang, Professor, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Humane Letters |
James S. Crown, Chairman, Board of Trustees, University of Chicago 2003-2009, Doctor of Laws | |
Sofia Gubaidulina, Composer, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Robert P. Langlands, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Doctor of Science | |
June 12, 2010 | David M. Karl, Professor of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Doctor of Science |
Robert P. Kirshner, Clowes Professor of Science, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Anil Nerode, Goldwin Smith Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University, Doctor of Science |
October 9, 2009 | David L. Donoho, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the Humanities and Sciences, and Professor of Statistics, Doctor of Science |
Deborah Jin, Fellow of NIST, Fellow of JILA, and Adjoint Professor of Physics, Doctor of Science | |
Ali Mehmet Celâl Şengör, Professor of Geology, Doctor of Science | |
David Shulman, Renee Lang Professor of Humanistic Studies, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 13, 2009 | Anthony M. Snodgrass, Laurence Professor Emeritus of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Doctor of Humane Letters |
March 20, 2009 | Don Michael Randel, President, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; President Emeritus and Honorary Trustee, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 13, 2008 | Gernot Wilhelm, Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Kip S. Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
John McDowell, University Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Marc Davis, Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
John Barrell, Professor of Eighteenth Century Studies, Department of English and Related Literature, University of York, England, United Kingdom, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 8, 2007 | Pieter Timeotheus De Zeeuw, Professor and Scientific Director, Leiden Observatory, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands, Doctor of Science |
Grace Wahba, I. J. Schoenberg Professor of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Doctor of Science | |
Scott Shenker, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
John J. Hopfield, Howard A. Prior Professor of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Roger David Blandford, Luke Blossom Professor and Pehong and Adele Chen Director, KIPAC, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
October 27, 2006 | Karen B. Strier, Hilldale Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Doctor of Science |
Allan C. Spralding, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Director, Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Doctor of Science | |
Harm Pinkster, Professor of Latin, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Hazel Rose Markus, Davis Brack Professor in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Alex Lubotzky, Professor of Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Doctor of Science | |
Michael Fried, James R. Herbert Boone Professor of Humanities and Art History, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Sandra M. Faber, University Professor and Chair, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Doctor of Science | |
June 9, 2006 | Marcus E. Raichle, Professor of Radiology and Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine, Doctor of Science |
Richard Middleton, Emeritus Professor of Music, International Centre for Music Studies, School of Arts and Cultures, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Arthur B. McDonald, Professor, Department of Physics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Project Director, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, Doctor of Science | |
June 10, 2005 | Lila R. Gleitman, Professor, Departments of Psychology and Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Science |
Roy Goodwin D’Andrade, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Carlos J. Bustamante, Howard Hughes Investigator, Luis Alvarez Professor of Physics, and Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology and Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
June 12, 2004 | Edgar J. Jannotta, Chairman, Board of Trustees, The University of Chicago, 1999-2003, Doctor of Laws |
June 11, 2004 | Craig M. Wright,Professor of Music History, Department of Music, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 13, 2003 | Patrick Thaddeus, Robert Wheeler Wilson Professor of Applied Astronomy and Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University, Doctor of Science |
Ryoji Noyori, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, and Director of the Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University, Japan, Doctor of Science | |
Persi Diaconis, Mary V. Sunseri Professor and Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
June 11, 2004 | Trevor C. Weekes, Senior Astrophysicist, Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Doctor of Science |
Gilbert Vassart, Professor of Medical Genetics, Director of the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Biologie Humaine et Moleculaire, and Head of the Department of Medical Genetics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, Doctor of Science | |
Hilary Putnam, Cogan University Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Mogens Trolle Larsen, Professor in Assyriology, Carsten Neibuhr Institute of Near Eastern Studies, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Elizabeth Helen Blackburn, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, Doctor of Science | |
June 7, 2002 | Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Salvatore Silvano Nigro, Professor of Italian Literature, Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
François Dolbeau, Directeur d'Etudes, Section des sciences historiques et philologiques, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
March 15, 2002 | Hugo F. Sonnenschein, President Emeritus and Honorary Trustee of the University; Charles L. Hutchinson Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Economics, and the College, Doctor of Humane Letters |
December 7, 2001 | Howard G. Krane, Chairman, Board of Trustees, 1992-1999, Doctor of Laws |
June 8, 2001 | Fredric Jameson, William A. Little, Jr. Professor of Comparative Literature, Professor of Romance Studies (French) and Chair of the Literature Program, Duke University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Walter Burkert, Professor Emeritus, Classics Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John Edward Bercaw, Centennial Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
November 2, 2000 | Alan Walker, Distinguished Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Biology, Pennsylvania State University, Doctor of Science |
Claude Steele, Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Qiu Xigui, Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing, China, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Marc W. Kirschner, Chairman and the Carl W. Walter Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Martin F. Gellert, Chief, Section of Molecular Genetics, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Doctor of Science | |
Charles J. Fillmore, Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Raymond Davis, Jr., Research Professor, Departments of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Science | |
Veena Das, The Krieger-Eisenhower Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John N. Bahcall, The Richard Black Professor, School of Natural Sciences, The Institute for Advanced Study and Visiting Professor, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
David J. Aldous, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science |
June 11, 1999 | Daniel C. Tsui, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Doctor of Science |
Bernard Williams, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and Monroe Deutsch Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Pierre Briant, Professor d'Histoire de l'Antiquité, Université de Toulouse, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 12, 1998 | Harrison Colyar White, Giddings Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
J. Anthony Tyson, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Doctor of Science | |
June 14, 1997 | Emily Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Professor of Biology and Psychology, Georgia State University, Doctor of Science |
June 13, 1997 | Carl E. Wieman, Professor of Physics, The University of Colorado at Boulder, Doctor of Science |
Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo, Professore di Storia della Lingua Italiana, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Edouard A. Jeauneau, Maître de Recherche Première Classe Emérite, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Jean Bottéro, Maître de Recherche Emérite, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Directeur d'Etudes Emérite, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Reinhard Zimmermann, Professor of Civil Law, Roman Law, and Historical Comparative Law, Universität Regensburg, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
October 26, 1996 | Hanna Holborn Gray, President Emeritus of The University of Chicago; Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor, Department of History, and the College, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 7, 1996 | David T. Wilkinson, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Princeton University, Doctor of Science |
Jerome McGann, John Stewart Bryan Professor of English, University of Virginia, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
William Klemperer, Erving Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
June 9, 1995 | Robert B.Wilson, Atholl McBean Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Doctor of Laws |
Richard E. Smalley, Gene and Norman Hackerman Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics, William Marsh Rice University, Doctor of Science | |
David Lewin, Professor of Music, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, Director, Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of Georgia Professor, Tbilisi State University, Republic of Georgia, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Bradley Efron, Max H. Stein Professor of Statistics, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
June 10, 1994 | Elisabeth Lichtenberger, Professor of Geography, University of Vienna, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Ulf Grenander, L. Herbert Ballou University Professor Emeritus, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Doctor of Science | |
Paul Ekman, Professor of Psycholgy and Director, Human Interaction Laboratory,Department of Psychiatry, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
March 18, 1994 | Barry F. Sullivan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The University of Chicago, 1988-1992, Doctor of Laws |
Edward W. Said, Old Dominion Foundation Professor in Humanities, Columbia University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
October 20, 1993 | Romila Thapar, Professor of Ancient Indian History, Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Isadore M. Singer, Institute Professor of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Bruno Nettl, Professor Emeritus of Music and Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Leonid Hurwicz, Regents Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Minnesota, Doctor of Laws | |
Richard H. Holm, Higgins Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Yves Coppens, Professor de Paléoanthropologie et Préhistoire, Collège de France, Directeur du Centre de Rescherches Anthropologiques, Musée de l'Homme, Doctor of Science | |
Francis A. Allen, Professor of Law and Hubert C. Hurst Eminent Scholar at the University of Florida, Doctor of Laws | |
Ihsan Abbas, Professor Emeritus, American University of Beirut, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 13, 1992 | Lubert Stryer, Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, Stanford University, Doctor of Science |
Quentin Skinner, Professor of Political Science, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Daniel Bell, Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 12, 1992 | Gerald Jos. Wasserburg, John D. MacArthur Professor of Geology and Geophysics, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
Edward C. Stone, Professor of Physics and Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Elias M. Stein, Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Charles M. Stein, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Professor and Chairman, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Donald E. Osterbrock, Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Santa Cruz, Doctor of Science | |
Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
F. Clark Howell, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Norman Davidson, Chandler Professor Emeritus of Chemical Biology, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Harmon Craig, Professor of Geochemistry and Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, Doctor of Science | |
Daniel L. McFadden, E. Morris Cox Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Laws | |
Robert J. Aumann, Professor, Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Doctor of Laws | |
Gerald Stourzh, Professor of Modern History, University of Vienna, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
David Pingree, University Professor and Professor of the History of Mathematics, Brown University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Leonard B. Meyer, Benjamin Franklin Professor of Music and the Humanities, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Morris Halle, Institute Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Joseph Frank, Professor of Comparative Literature and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Natalie Zemon Davis, Henry Charles Lea Professor of History, Princeton University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Gordon Tullock, Karl Eller Professor of Economics and Political Science, University of Arizona, Doctor of Laws | |
Mary Ann Glendon, Professor of Law, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Caroline Walker Bynum, Morris and Alma Schapiro Professor of History, Columbia University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John H. Baker, Professor of Law and Fellow of St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Laws | |
October 3, 1991 | Jacob Mincer, Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Economics and Social Relations, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
Lionel W. McKenzie, Wilson Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Rochester, Doctor of Laws | |
Stanley J. Tambiah, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Jaroslav Pelikan, Sterling Professor of History, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Thomas S. Kuhn, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Michel Huglo, Professor of Musicology Emeritus, École Pratique des hautes Études, Paris, France and Université libre de Bruxèlles, Belgium, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Albert Hourani, Emeritus Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Oliver R. Gurney, Emeritus Professor of Assyriology, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Hubert Damisch, Professor of the History and Theory of Art, École des hautes Études en Science Sociale, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Bernard Bailyn, Adams University Professor of History, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Benjamin Widom, Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry, Cornell University, Doctor of Science | |
Valentine L. Telegdi, Professor of Physics, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland, Doctor of Science | |
Michael Rutter, Professor of Child Psychiatry, University of London, England, Doctor of Science | |
Victor A. McKusick, University Professor of Medical Genetics, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
Harden M. McConnell, Robert Eckles Swain Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Erich L. Lehmann, Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Andrew G. Gilman, Raymond and Ellen Willie Professor of Molecular Neuropharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Doctor of Science | |
James F. Crow, Professor of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Doctor of Science | |
George Contopoulos, Professor of Astronomy, University of Athens, Greece and University of Florida, Doctor of Science | |
E. Margaret Burbidge, University Professor, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, Doctor of Science | |
June 14, 1991 | Oliver Smithies, Professor of Pathology, University of North Carolina, Doctor of Science |
James A. Miller, Van Rensselaer Potter Emeritus Professor of Oncology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Doctor of Science | |
Robert C. Merton, George Fisher Baker Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Jacques H. Drèze, Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Doctor of Laws | |
Thomas R. Cech, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado at Boulder, Doctor of Science | |
Gordon H. Bower, Albert Ray Lang Professor of Psychology, Stanford University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 8, 1990 | Melford E. Spiro, Presidential Professor of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Martin L. Perl, Professor of Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Robert H. Abeles, Tauber Professor of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Doctor of Science |
June 9, 1989 | Alberto Varvaro, Pro-Rectore and Professor of Romance Philology, University of Naples, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters |
F. Sherwood Rowland, Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr., Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, Doctor of Science | |
Norman F. Ramsey, Higgins Professor of Physics, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Dan P. McKenzie, Professor of Earth Science, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
December 9, 1988 | B. Kenneth West, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The University of Chicago, 1985-1988, Doctor of Laws |
June 10, 1988 | Amos Tversky, Davis-Brack Professor of Behavioral Science, Stanford University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
John Maynard Smith, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, Doctor of Science | |
Guido Calabresi, Sterling Professor of Law and Dean, Yale Law School, Doctor of Laws | |
Yves Bonnefoy, Professor of Comparative Studies of the Poetic Function, Collège de France, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Richard B. Bernstein, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Science | |
March 18, 1988 | Igor Mikhailovich Diakonoff, Professor, Oriental Institute of The Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, U.S.S.R., Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 12, 1987 | Harry B. Gray, Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
Hans Dehmelt, Professor of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Doctor of Science | |
Carl Dahlhaus, Professor of Music, Technical University of Berlin, and Vice-President of the Gesellschaft fur Müsikforschung, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Stanley Cavell, Walter M. Cabot Professor of Aesthetics and the General Theory of Value, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
George A. Bartholomew, Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Science | |
June 13, 1986 | Jean Starobinski, Professor Emeritus of French Literature, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Doctor of Humane Letters |
P. J. E. Peebles, Albert Einstein Professor of Science, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Johannes Geiss, Professor of Physics and Director of Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland, Doctor of Science | |
December 13, 1985 | Edwin A. Bergman, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1981-1985, Doctor of Laws |
June 14, 1985 | Joseph H. Taylor, Jr., Professor of Physics, Princeton University, Doctor of Science |
Friedrich Ohly, Emeritus Professor of German Philology and Emeritus Director of the Institute for Studies of the Early Middle Ages at the Westphalian Wilhelm's University of Münster, the Federal Republic of Germany, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
S. F. C. Milsom, Fellow of St. John's College and Professor of Law, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Laws | |
Jean H. Hagstrum, John C. Shaffer Professor Emeritus of English and the Humanities, Northwestern University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Domenico De Robertis, Professor of Italian Literature, University of Florence, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Stanley Cohen, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University, Doctor of Science | |
F. Sherwood Rowland, Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr., Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, Doctor of Science | |
June 8, 1984 | Harald Zur Hausen, Scientific Director, German Cancer Institute, Heidelberg, West Germany, Doctor of Science |
Stella Kramrisch, Curator of Indian Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Professor of Fine Arts, New York University Institute of Fine Arts, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 10, 1983 | Anthony F. C. Wallace, Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Henry Taube, Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Schubert M. Ogden, University Distinguished Professor of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Perkins School of Theology, and Director, Graduate Program in Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Rudolph A. Marcus, Arthur A. Noyes Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Leon M. Lederman, Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Doctor of Science | |
Riccardo Giacconi, Director, Space Telescope Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, Doctor of Science | |
Giuseppe Billanovich, Professor of Medieval and Humanistic Philology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Michael F. Atiyah, Royal Society Research Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science | |
Joseph L. Goldstein, Professor and Chairman, Department of Molecular Genetics, and Paul J. Thomas Professor of Medicine and Genetics, University of Texas, Dallas, Doctor of Science | |
June 11, 1982 | Michael S. Brown, Paul J. Thomas Professor of Genetics and Director of the Center for Genetic Disease, University of Texas, Dallas, Doctor of Science |
M. H. Abrams, Class of 1916 Professor of English, Cornell University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
December 16, 1981 | Gerard 'T Hooft, Professor of Physics, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Doctor of Science |
October 23, 1981 | Stephen W. Hawking, Lucasian Professor, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science |
June 12, 1981 | Robert W. Reneker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The University of Chicago, 1976-1981, Doctor of Laws |
Sir Rudolf E. Peierls, Wykeham Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science | |
Victor Henri Brombert, Henry Putnam University Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of Comparative Literature, Princeton University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
March 20, 1981 | Mary Douglas Leakey, Director of Research, Olduvai Gorge, and Senior Research Fellow, Louis Leakey Memorial Institute for Prehistory and Palæontology, Nairobi, Kenya, Doctor of Science |
June 13, 1980 | Richard Wain Young, Professor of Anatomy, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Science |
Charles Yanofsky, Herzstein Professor of Biology, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Raymond Aron, Professor of the Sociology of Modern Civilization, Collège de France, and Member of the Institut, Doctor of Humane Letters |
December 18, 1979 | William S. Vickrey, McVickar Professor of Political Economy, Columbia University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Jean-Pierre Vernant, Professor of Comparative Ancient Religion, Collège de France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Lawrence Stone, Dodge Professor of History and Director of the Davis Center for Historical Research, Princeton University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Erving Goffman, Benjamin Franklin Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Clifford Geertz, Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Otis Dudley Duncan, Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Lee J. Cronbach, Vida Jacks Professor of Education, Stanford University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Philip E. Converse, Robert Cooley Angell Distinguished College Professor of Sociology and Political Science, University of Michigan, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 15, 1979 | John Todd Wilson, President Emeritus of The University of Chicago and Professor, Department of Education |
Albert Warner Overhauser, Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University, Doctor of Science | |
October 6, 1978 | Steven Weinberg, Higgins Professor of Physics, Harvard University, Doctor of Science |
Franco Venturi, Professor of Modern History, University of Torino; Editor-in-Chief, Revista Storica Italiana; Sarah Schaffner Visiting Professor of History, University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Herbert Ely Scarf, Stanley Resor Professor of Economics, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Bengt Samuelssonm, Professor of Biochemistry and Dean, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Doctor of Science | |
Peter Dennis Mitchell, Director, Glynn Research Laboratory, Bodmin, Cornwall, England, Doctor of Science | |
Ryogo Kubo, Professor of Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan, Doctor of Science | |
John Bertrand Gurdon, Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
Donald Thomas Campbell, Morrison Professor of Psychology, Northwestern University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Allan M. Campbell, Professor of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Peter R. L. Brown, Professor, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley; Former Professor and Head of the Department of History, Royal Holloway College, University of London, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 9, 1978 | David C. Phillips, Professor of Molecular Biophysics, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science |
Jacob Neusner, University Professor, Professor of Religious Studies, and the Ungerleider Distinguished Scholar of Judaic Studies, Brown University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Motoo Kimura, Head of the Laboratory of Population Genetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan, Doctor of Science | |
Walter Gilbert, American Cancer Society Professor of Molecular Biology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
March 17, 1978 | Roger Yate Stanier, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, Doctor of Science |
Aaron Klug, Medical Research Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
December 9, 1977 | Bruno Rossi, Institute Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
November 14, 1977 | Ernest Winocour, Professor and Chairman, Department of Virology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, Doctor of Science |
Norman Edward Shumway, Francis and Charles D. Field Professor and Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Stephen W. Kuffler, John Franklin Enders University Professor, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Eugene Patrick Kennedy, Hamilton Kuhn Professor of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Roger Guillemin, Professor and Chairman, Laboratory for Neuroendocrinology, Salk Institute, Doctor of Science | |
Don Wayne Fawcett, Hersey Professor of Anatomy and the James Stillman Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Robert M. Chanock, Chief of Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Doctor of Science | |
June 10, 1977 | Joseph Needham, Former Master of Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Louis Charles Jean Dumont, Directeur d'Études, École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
December 10, 1976 | Kenneth Geddes Wilson, Professor of Physics, Cornell University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Arnaldo D. Momigliano, Professor of All Souls College, University of Oxford; Grote Professor Emeritus of Ancient History, University College, London; Professor of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; and Alexander White Visiting Professor, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Hugh Kenner, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities,The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Gaylord Donnelley, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1970-1976, Doctor of Laws | |
Sydney Brenner, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
August 27, 1976 | Roger Wolcott Sperry, Hixon Professor of Psychobiology, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
Don Patinkin, Professor of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 11, 1976 | Günther Wilke, Director of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, and Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Bochum, Germany, Doctor of Science |
Cesare Segre, Professor of Romance Philology, University of Pavia, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Eric J. Hobsbawm, Professor of Economic and Social History, Birkbeck College, University of London, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Mary Rosamond Haas, Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
William Alfred Fowler, Institute Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Henry Chadwick, Dean of Christ Church in the University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Donald David Brown, Member of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and Professor of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
March 19, 1976 | Sir Edmond Ronald Leach, Professor of Anthropology, University of Cambridge, and Provost of King's College, England, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 13, 1975 | Nino Pirrotta, Professor of Music, University of Rome, Italy, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Matthew Stanley Meselson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Edward Hirsch Levi, Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor of Jurisprudence in the Law School, President Emeritus of the University, Attorney General of the United States, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John Frank Kermode, King Edward VII Professor of English Literature, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Herman Moritz Kalckar, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Sir Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich, Professor and Director of the Warburg Institute, University of London, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
November 8, 1974 | Karl Rahner, Professor Emeritus, University of Münster, Germany, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bernard J. F. Lonergan, Professor, Regis College, University of Toronto, Canada, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 14, 1974 | Arnaldo Pizzorusso, Professor of French Literature, University of Florence, Italy, and Visiting Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Hugh Esmor Huxley, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
Robert A. Good, Director, Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, Doctor of Science | |
October 26, 1973 | Meyer Fortes, Professor of Anthropology, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Kenneth Lee Pike, Professor of English and Linguistics, University of Michigan, and Director, Summer Institute of Linguistics and the Wycliff Bible Translators, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Frederick Mosteller, Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Charles Edward Lindblom, Peletiah Perit Professor of Political and Social Sciences, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Walter Jackson Bate, Abbott Lawrence Lowell Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 8, 1973 | Frank Henry Westheimer, Loeb Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science |
Maria Dluska, Professor of Disciplines Auxiliary to the History of Literature, Jagiellonian University, Crakow, Poland, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Fredson Thayer Bowers, Linden Kent Professor of English, University of Virginia, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Norman Henry Ashton, Professor and Director, Department of Pathology, Institute of Ophthalmology, University of London, England, Doctor of Science | |
March 16, 1973 | Sune Bergström, Professor of Biochemistry and Rector, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Doctor of Science |
December 15, 1972 | Niels Kaj Jerne, Director, Basel Institute of Immunology, Switzerland, Doctor of Science |
Herbert Hunger,Professor of Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna, and General Secretary, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Wolfson Research Professor, the Royal Society, and Director, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science | |
Boris Ephrussi, Professor of Genetics, University of Paris, and Director, Laboratory of Physiological Genetics, CNRS, Paris, France, Doctor of Science | |
June 9, 1972 | Nathan Jacobson, Professor of Mathematics, Yale University, Doctor of Science |
Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Editor-in-Chief, American Physical Society, Doctor of Science | |
John Philip Dawson, Fairchild Professor of Law, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Edward Uhler Condon, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Doctor of Science | |
December 17, 1971 | James L. Gowans, Professor, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, and Director, MRC Cellular Immunology Unit, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science |
June 11, 1971 | Shelomo Dov Goitein, Former Director, School of Oriental Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, and Professor Emeritus of Arabic, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Don Cameron Allen, Sir William Osler Professor of English Literature, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas, Professor of Sociology, University of Delhi, India, Doctor of Science | |
Albert Eschenmoser, Professor of Chemistry, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland, Doctor of Science | |
Fairfax M. Cone, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1963-1970, Doctor of Laws | |
December 22, 1970 | Oliver Strunk, Professor Emeritus of Music, Princeton University, and Director of the Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Doctor of Humane Letters |
A. Francis Birch, Professor of Geology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
June 12, 1970 | Peter Hugh Jefferd Lloyd-Jones, Regius Professor of Greek, University of Oxford, and Fellow, British Academy, England, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Henry M. Stommel, Professor of Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Sol Spiegelman, Director, Institute of Cancer Research, Columbia University, Doctor of Science | |
Jule Gregory Charney, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Richard Morris Titmuss, Professor and Chairman, Department of Social Science and Administration, London School of Economics and Political Science, England, Doctor of Laws |
December 12, 1969 | Martin David Kamen, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, Doctor of Science |
August 29, 1969 | Russell Hedley Morgan, Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology, The Johns Hopkins University, and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Radiological Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Doctor of Science |
Henry Seymour Kaplan, Professor and Executive, Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Shiing-Shen Chern, Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
June 13, 1969; | Yakov Malkiel, Professor of Romance Philology, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Humane Letters |
John Wilder Tukey, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Princeton University, and Associate Executive Director of Research, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Doctor of Science | |
Edwin E. Salpeter, Professor of Physics and Nuclear Studies, Cornell University, Doctor of Science | |
Ilya Prigogine, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Doctor of Science | |
Richard Dagobert Brauer, Perkins Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University, and Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Doctor of Science | |
The Honorable Henry Jacob Friendly, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Doctor of Laws | |
March 21, 1969 | Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, Professor of Ancient History, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters |
George Wells Beadle, Director, Institute of Bio-Medical Research, American Medical Association, Professor, Department of Biology and College, and President Emeritus, University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Sir Peter Medawar, Director, National Institute for Medical Research, London, England, Doctor of Science | |
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Baron Blackett, of Chelsea, President of the Royal Society and Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England, Doctor of Science | |
Sir Eric Ashby, Master of Clare College and Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
December 13, 1968 | Jean Nougayrol, Directeur d'Études, Section des Sciences religieuses, École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Fernand Braudel, Directeur d'Études, École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
John Hasbrouck Van Vleck, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Curt P. Richter, Professor Emeritus, Laboratory of Psychology, The Johns Hopkins Medical School, Doctor of Science | |
Julius H. Comroe, Jr., Director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California Medical Center, Doctor of Science | |
November 14, 1968 | Robert K. Merton, Giddings Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
Glen Alfred Lloyd, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1956-1963, Doctor of Laws | |
Fleming James, Jr., Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University, Doctor of Laws | |
Kurt Weitzmann, Professor of Art and Archeology, Princeton University, and Member, Institute of Advanced Studies, Doctor of Science | |
Raymond Firth, Professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, England, Doctor of Science | |
Murray Barnson Emeneau, Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Bertrand Bronson, Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
George E. Palade, Professor and Head of the Department of Cell Biology, Rockefeller University, Doctor of Science | |
Elias James Corey, Sheldon Emery Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
August 20, 1968 | George Klein, Director of the Institute of Tumor Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Doctor of Science |
June 7, 1968 | Efraim Racker, Albert Einstein Professor and Chairman, Section of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cornell University, Doctor of Science |
Lars Onsager, Professor of Chemistry, Yale University, Doctor of Science | |
Herbert C. Brown, R. B. Wetherill Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, Doctor of Science | |
March 15, 1968 | Blaze Koneski, Professor, Faculty of Letters, Department of Macedonian Language and Literature, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia, Doctor of Humane Letters |
John T. Dunlop, David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
December 15, 1967 | Benno von Wiese und Kaiserswaldau, Professor of Modern German Language and Literature, University of Bonn, Germany, Doctor of Humane Letters |
September 1, 1967 | Jerzy Kurylowicz, Professor of General Linguistics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 9, 1967 | John Tileston Edsall, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science |
Heinrich Theodor Besseler, Professor of Musicology, University of Leipzig, Germany, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Kenneth J. Arrow, Social Science Research Fellow and Professor of Economics and Statistics, Stanford University, Doctor of Laws | |
May 5, 1967 | Paul Ricoeur, Professor of Philosophy, University of Paris, France, Doctor of Divinity |
Robert M. Solow, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Laws | |
Talcott Parsons, Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Franco Modigliani, Professor of Economics and Management, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Laws | |
Harold D. Lasswell, Edward J. Phelps Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale University, Doctor of Laws | |
Torsten Husen, Professor and Chairman, Department of Education and the Institute for Educational Research, University of Stockholm, Sweden, Doctor of Laws | |
Edwin O. Reischauer, University Professor, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Willard Van Orman Quine, Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Hajo Holborn, Sterling Professor of History, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Northrop Frye, Professor of English Literature and Principal, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Henry Clifford Darby, Professor of Geography, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Noam Avram Chomsky, Ferrari P. Ward Professor of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
B. F. Skinner, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Allan R. Sandage, Astronomer, Mount Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Mount Palomar Observatory, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
John Willard Milnor, Alberto Monroy, Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Head, Molecular Embryology Unit, University of Palermo, Italy, Doctor of Science | |
John Willard Milnor, Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Salvador E. Luria, Professor of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Claude Levi-Strauss, Professor, Collège de France, Doctor of Science | |
Jean Leray, Professor, Collège de France, Doctor of Science | |
Har Gobind Khorana, Professor of Biochemistry, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin, Doctor of Science | |
Gerhard Herzberg, Director, Division of Pure Physics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Doctor of Science | |
Alfred Day Hershey, Director, Genetics Research Unit, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Doctor of Science | |
Murray Gell-Mann, Professor of Physics, Alfred P. Sloan Laboratory of Mathematics and Physics, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Max Delbruck, Professor of Biology, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Kenneth Stewart Cole, Senior Research Biophysicist, Laboratory of Biophysics, National Institutes of Health, and Professor of Biophysics, Division of Medical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolubov, Member, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., and Director, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, U.S.S.R., Doctor of Science | |
March 17, 1967 | Victor F. Weisskopf, Institute Professor and Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
Lawrence Schlesinger Kubie, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Yale University, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Maryland; and Lecturer, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, Professor of Social Anthropology and Head of the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Science | |
Kenneth M. Brinkhous, Distinguished Alumni Professor of Pathology and Chairman, Department of Pathology, University of North Carolina, Doctor of Science | |
E. B. Astwood, Professor of Medicine, Tufts University, Doctor of Science | |
Luis W. Alvarez, Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
December 16, 1966 | Paul Felix Lazarsfeld, Quetelet Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart, Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Oxford, England, Doctor of Laws | |
Roderic A. Gregory, George Holt Professor of Physiology, University of Liverpool, England, Doctor of Science | |
Anna Freud, Director, Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic, London, England, Doctor of Science | |
Manfred Eigen, Max Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, Doctor of Science | |
Paul M. Doty, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Julius Axelrod, Chief, Section on Pharmacology, Laboratory of Clinical Science, National Institute of Mental Health, Doctor of Science | |
June 10, 1966 | John Clarke Slater, Professor of Physics, University of Florida and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
Irving Myer London, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, and Director of Medical Service, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Doctor of Science | |
Maurice Stevenson Bartlett, Professor and Head, Department of Statistics, University College, London England, Doctor of Science | |
September 3, 1965 | Marshall Nirenberg, Head, Section on Biochemical Genetics, Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, National Heart Institute, Doctor of Science |
June 11, 1965 | Jacques Lucien Monod, Directeur du Service de Biochimie Cellulaire, Institut Pasteur, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences, Université de Paris, France, Doctor of Science |
François Jacob, Chef du Service (Chargé du Service de Génétique microbienne), Institut Pasteur, Professeur au Collège de France, Paris, France, Doctor of Science | |
Ernst Boris Chain, Professor of Biochemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England, Doctor of Science | |
June 12, 1964 | Henri Theil, Professor of Econometrics, Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Doctor of Laws |
Herbert A. Simon, Professor of Administration and Psychology, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Doctor of Laws | |
December 13, 1963 | Harold C. Urey, Martin A. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, The University of Chicago; Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science |
Robert Roswell Palmer, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Washington University, Doctor of Laws | |
March 15, 1963 | The Honorable Sir Steven Runciman, Author, Doctor of Humane Letters |
December 14, 1962 | Herbert Wechsler, Harlan Fiske Stone Professor of Constitutional Law, School of Law, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
Karl Raimund Popper, Professor of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, England, Doctor of Laws | |
April 27, 1962 | Karl Barth, Professor Emeritus of Dogmatics, University of Basel, Switzerland, Doctor of Divinity |
June 9, 1961 | Lawrence Alpheus Kimpton, Director and General Manager, Planning, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), and former Chancellor, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 4, 1961 | Roman Jakobson, Samuel Hazzard Cross Professor of Slavic Languages, Literatures, and General Linguistics, Harvard University, and Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Leon Howard, Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Robert Burns Woodward, Donner Professor of Science, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
James Dewey Watson, Professor of Biology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Donald Olding Hebb, Professor of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Doctor of Science | |
Paul A. Samuelson, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Laws | |
Paul Abraham Freund, Carl M. Loeb University Professor, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
September 2, 1960 | Arthur Frank Burns, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
June 10, 1960 | Arthur Sullivan Piggott Woodhouse, Professor and Head, Department of English, University College and School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Eugene Vinaver, Professor of French Language and Literature, University of Manchester, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
May 1, 1960 | The Honorable Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States, Doctor of Laws |
The Right Honorable Viscount Kilmuir of Creich, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Roger John Traynor, Associate Justice, the Supreme Court of California, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Walter Vincent Schaefer, Associate Justice, the Supreme Court of Illinois, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Herbert Funk Goodrich, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Charles Edward Clark, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Doctor of Laws |
December 18, 1959 | Hans Kurath, Professor of English, University of Michigan; Editor of The Middle English Dictionary; Director of The Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, Doctor of Humane Letters |
November 26, 1959 | Sir Julian Huxley, Author, Doctor of Science |
Sewall Wright, Ernest D. Burton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Zoölogy, The University of Chicago, and Professor of Zoölogy, University ofWisconsin, Doctor of Science | |
George Gaylord Simpson, Agassiz Professor, Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Hermann Joseph Muller, Distinguished Professor of Zoölogy, Indiana University, Doctor of Science | |
Alfred L. Kroeber, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Theodosius Dobzhansky, Professor of Zoölogy, Columbia University, Doctor of Science | |
Sir Charles Galton Darwin, Former Director, National Physical Laboratory, Great Britain, Doctor of Science | |
June 12, 1959 | Jerzy Neyman, Professor of Statistics, Director of the Statistical Laboratory, and Research Professor in the Institute for Basic Research in Science, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science |
Paul Klemperer, Pathologist in Chief Emeritus, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Professor Emeritus of Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, Doctor of Science | |
Sir Charles Dodds, Courtauld Professor of Biochemistry, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London, England, Doctor of Science | |
March 20, 1959 | André Michel Lwoff, Head of the Department of Microbial-Physiology, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, Doctor of Science |
December 19, 1958 | Walter Prescott Webb, Professor of History, University of Texas, Doctor of Laws |
June 13, 1958 | Richard Edwin Shope, Member, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science |
Nicholson Joseph Eastman, Professor and Chairman, Department of Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
George Washington Corner, Member, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
December 20, 1957 | Eugene Paul Wigner, Thomas D. Jones Professor of Mathematical Physics, Princeton University, Doctor of Science |
June 7, 1957 | Francis Otto Schmitt, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science |
December 14, 1956 | Edward Larned Ryerson, Former Chairman, Board of Trustees, The University of Chicago (1953-1956), Doctor of Laws |
June 8, 1956 | Owen Harding Wangensteen, Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Doctor of Science |
William Cumming Rose, Research Professor of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Doctor of Science | |
John Rodman Paul, Professor of Preventive Medicine, Yale University, Doctor of Science | |
Julius Schwietering, Professor Emeritus of German Literature and Philology, University of Frankfurt, Germany; Visiting Professor of German, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
William Haller, Professor Emeritus and Former Chairman of the Department of English, Barnard College; Resident Scholar, Folger Shakespeare Library, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
December 16, 1955 | Gaston Berger, Professor in the Faculty of Letters, University of Aix, France, Member of the Institute, and Director General of Graduate Studies in France, Doctor of Humane Letters |
November 11, 1955 | Jacob Viner, Professor of Economics, Princeton University, Doctor of Laws |
Arnold Joseph Toynbee, Director of Studies, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Research Professor of International History, University of London, England, Doctor of Laws | |
André Siegfried, Member, French Academy; Professor Emeritus, Collège de France, Doctor of Laws | |
William Fielding Ogburn, Sewell L. Avery Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Sociology, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Laws | |
Walter Lippmann, Author, Writer for The New York Herald Tribune, Doctor of Laws | |
Harold Hotelling, Professor of Statistics, University of North Carolina, Doctor of Laws | |
Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Laws | |
September 2, 1955 | Emery Thomas Filbey, Vice-President Emeritus, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Laws |
June 10, 1955 | Amos Niven Wilder, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Paul Johannes Tillich, Sometime Professor of Theology at the Universities of Marburg, Dresden, and Leipzig; of Philosophy at the University of Frankfort; and of Philosophical Theology at Union Theological Seminary; Professor Elect of Christianity, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Henry Stanley Bennett, Fellow and Librarian, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge; Chairman of the Board of Syndics, Cambridge University Press, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
December 17, 1954 | Hermann Irving Schlesinger, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Science |
December 17, 1954 | Izaac Maurits Kolthoff, Doctor of Science, Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Division of Analytical Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Doctor of Science |
John Gamble Kirkwood, Professor and Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Yale University, Doctor of Science | |
George Oliver Curme, Jr., Vice-President, Research, Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, Doctor of Science | |
Paul Doughty Bartlett, Erving Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
August 27, 1954 | The Reverend H. Richard Niebuhr, Sterling Professor of Theology and Christian Ethics, Yale University, Doctor of Divinity |
The Right Reverend Anders Theodor Samuel Nygren, Bishop of Lund, Sweden, Doctor of Divinity | |
June 11, 1954 | Joel Stebbins, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Director, Washburn Observatory, University of Wisconsin, Doctor of Science |
Francis Peyton Rous, Member Emeritus, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
March 19, 1954 | The Honorable Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice, The Supreme Court of the United States, Doctor of Laws |
Hans Adolf Krebs, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Sheffield, England, Doctor of Science | |
December 18, 1953 | Harry Austryn Wolfson, Nathan Littauer Professor of Jewish Literature and Philosophy, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Zechariah Chafee, Jr., University Professor, Law School, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
August 28, 1958 | Frederick Clifton Grant, Professor of Biblical Theology, Union Theological Seminary, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 12, 1953 | Kemp Malone, Caroline Donovan Professor of English Literature, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters |
Jean Piaget, Professor of Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Director of the International Bureau of Education and the Institute, J.J. Rousseau, Doctor of Science | |
Fritz Lipmann, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, Harvard University, and Head of Biochemical Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Doctor of Science | |
Hans Albrecht Bethe, Professor of Physics, Cornell University, Doctor of Science | |
May 8, 1953 | The Honorable Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chief Justice, The Supreme Court of New Jersey, Doctor of Laws |
The Honorable Thomas Walter Swan, Presiding Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Felix Frankfurter, Associate Justice, The Supreme Court of the United States, Doctor of Laws | |
The Honorable Jerome N. Frank, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Doctor of Laws | |
Arthur Linton Corbin, Professor of Law Emeritus, Law School, Yale University, Doctor of Laws | |
Laird Bell, Chairman, the Board of Trustees, The University of Chicago (1949-1953), Doctor of Laws | |
March 20, 1953 | Carl Ludwig Siegel, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Doctor of Science |
December 19, 1952 | Learned Hand, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Retired, Doctor of Laws |
Arthur Holly Compton, Chancellor, Washington University, Doctor of Science | |
October 3, 1952 | George Hoyt Whipple, Professor of Pathology and Dean, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Doctor of Science |
Allen Oldfather Whipple, Emeritus Valentine Mott Professor of Surgery, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, Doctor of Science | |
William Smith Tillett, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, New York University; Director, Third Medical Division, Bellevue Hospital; and President, Medical Board, Bellevue Hospital, Doctor of Science | |
James Lawder Gamble, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical School, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
William Bosworth Castle, Professor of Medicine, Medical School, Harvard University, and Director, Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital, Doctor of Science | |
Anton Julius Carlson, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Physiology, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Science | |
Percival Bailey, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Doctor of Science | |
June 13, 1952 | George Sarton, Associate, Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Lecturer in the History of Science, Harvard University, Doctor of Humanities |
Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics, University of Cambridge, England, Doctor of Science | |
October 18, 1951 | Robert Maynard Hutchins, Associate Director, Ford Foundation, and former Chancellor, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Laws |
George Wiley Sherburn, Professor and Chairman, Division of Modern Languages, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of American History, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
William Albert Nitze, Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Harold F. Cherniss, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Edwin Arthur Burtt, Susan Linn Sage Professor of Philosophy, Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Detlev W. Bronk, President, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
June 15, 1951 | Robert Frederick Loeb, Bard Professor of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, Doctor of Science |
Wolfgang Köhler, Professor of Psychology, Swarthmore College, Doctor of Science | |
Alfred Blalock, Professor and Director, Department of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science | |
September 1, 1950 | Daniel Mornet, Professor of French Literature, The Sorbonne, Paris, France, Doctor of Humane Letters |
June 16, 1950 | Sir Edward Mellanby, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology, University of Sheffield, England, Doctor of Science |
Clarence Cook Little, Director, Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Doctor of Science | |
Wallace Osgood Fenn, Professor of Physiology, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Doctor of Science | |
Oswald Theodore Avery, Member Emeritus, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science |
July 11, 1949 | Albert Schweitzer, Medical missionary and musician, Doctor of Laws |
June 17, 1949 | Harold Higgins Swift, Former Chairman, Board of Trustees, The University of Chicago (1922-1949), Doctor of Laws, honoris causa |
Ross Granville Harrison, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Yale University, Doctor of Science | |
September 2, 1948 | James Leslie Brierly, Professor of International Relations, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Doctor of Laws |
Max Theodor Felix von Laue, Acting Director, Max Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry and Honorary Professor, University of Göttingen, Germany, Doctor of Science | |
June 15, 1945 | Walter Sydney Adams, Director, Mount Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Doctor of Science |
September 29, 1941 | Robert Andrews Millikan, Director, Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics, and Chairman, Executive Council, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Laws |
Charles Howard McIlwain, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Hans Kelsen, Formerly Professor, German University, Prague, Czechoslovakia; Research Associate in Comparative Law, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
John Maurice Clark, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws | |
Robert Lowry Calhoun, Professor of Historical Theology, Yale University, Doctor of Divinity | |
William Linn Westermann, Professor of History, Columbia, University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Richard Henry Tawney, Professor of Economic History, University of London, England, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Professor of Linguistics, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Michael Ivanovich Rostovtzeff, Sterling Professor of Ancient History and Archeology and Director of Archeological Research, Yale University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Charles Rufus Morey, Marquand Professor of Art and Archeology, Princeton University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Clarence Irving Lewis, Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Halvdan Koht, Formerly Professor of History, Royal Frederick University, Oslo, Norway, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Lily Bess Campbell, Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Edward Cooke Armstrong, Professor of French Language, Princeton University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Amado Alonso, Director, Institute of Philology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Robert R. Williams, Chemical Director, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Doctor of Science | |
Oswald Veblen, Professor of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Doctor of Science | |
Donald Dexter Van Slyke, Chief Chemist, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
Florence Barbara Seibert, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Henry Phipps Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Doctor of Science | |
Henry Norris Russell, Professor of Astronomy and Director, Observatory, Princeton University, Doctor of Science | |
Thomas Milton Rivers, Director of the Hospital, Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
Linus Carl Pauling, Professor of Chemistry and Director, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, Doctor of Science | |
Carlos Monge, Dean of the Medical Faculty, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, Doctor of Science | |
Robert Harry Lowie, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Professor of Physics and Director, Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Karl Spencer Lashley, Research Professor of Neuropsychology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Herbert Spencer Jennings, Professor Emeritus of Zoölogy, The Johns Hopkins University; Research Associate, University of California, Los Angeles, Doctor of Science | |
Libbie Henrietta Hyman, Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History, Doctor of Science | |
Evarts Ambrose Graham, Professor of Surgery, Washington University, Doctor of Science | |
Ernest William Goodpasture, Professor of Pathology, Vanderbilt University, Doctor of Science | |
Edward Adelbert Doisy, Professor of Biochemistry, St. Louis University, Doctor of Science | |
Reginald Aldworth Daly, Professor of Geology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
George David Birkhoff, Perkins Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Charles Herbert Best, Professor of Physiology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Doctor of Science | |
Charles Elmer Allen, Professor of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Doctor of Science | |
June 11, 1940 | Ludvig Hektoen, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, The University of Chicago; Professor Emeritus of Pathology, Rush Medical College, Doctor of Science |
June 13, 1939 | Hu Shih, Ambassador to the United States from the Republic of China, Doctor of Laws |
December 20, 1938 | James Bryan Herrick, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Rush Medical College, Doctor of Science |
June 10, 1938 | Harlan Fiske Stone, Associate Justice, The Supreme Court of the United States, Doctor of Laws |
June 11, 1937 | Harold Glenn Moulton, President, Brookings Institution, Doctor of Laws |
March 16, 1937 | Mary Emma Woolley, President Emeritus, Mount Holyoke College, Doctor of Laws |
December 19, 1933 | James Bryant Conant, President, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws |
June 13, 1933 | Benjamin Cardozo, Associate Justice, The Supreme Court of the United States, Doctor of Laws |
March 15, 1932 | Samuel Paul Capen, Chancellor, University of Buffalo, Doctor of Laws |
Edward Lee Thorndike, Professor of Education, Columbia University, Doctor of Science | |
December 22, 1931 | William Wallace Campbell, Director, Lick Observatory; former President, University of California; and President, National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science |
June 16, 1931 | Berthold Laufer, Curator of Anthropology, Field Museum of Natural History, Doctor of Laws |
December 23, 1930 | Jane Addams, Founder and Head Resident, Hull House, Doctor of Laws |
Stanley Field, President, Field Museum of Natural History, Doctor of Lawss | |
March 18, 1930 | Ray Lyman Wilbur, President, Leland Stanford Junior University, and Secretary of the Interior, Doctor of Laws |
December 17, 1929 | Wesley Clair Mitchell, Chairman, Social Science Research Council of the United States, and Professor of Economics, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
Albrecht Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Administrator, University of Hamburg, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Célestin Charles Alfred Bouglé, Administrator, l'Ecole Normale Supérieur, Paris, France, Doctor of Laws | |
Sir William Henry Beveridge, Director, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, England, Doctor of Laws | |
Herman Augustus Spoehr, Chairman of the Division of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University, Doctor of Science | |
Gilbert Newton Lewis, Professor and Chairman, Department of Chemistry, and Dean of the College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Doctor of Science | |
Moses Gomberg, Professor and Chairman, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Doctor of Science | |
November 19, 1929 | William James Hutchins, President, Berea College, Doctor of Laws |
Martin Antoine Ryerson, Former President, Board of Trustees, The University of Chicago (1892-1922), Doctor of Laws | |
August 20, 1929 | Frank Joseph Loesch, President, Chicago Crime Commission, Doctor of Laws |
June 11, 1929 | Frank Baldwin Jewett, Vice-President, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Doctor of Science |
June 12, 1928 | Ernest Hatch Wilkins, President, Oberlin College, Doctor of Laws |
October 31, 1927 | William Sydney Thayer, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science |
Karl Landsteiner, Member, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
Rufus Ivory Cole, Director of the Hospital, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Science | |
Frank Billings, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Doctor of Science | |
June 25, 1926 | His Royal Highness, Gustaf Adolph, The Crown Prince of Sweden, Doctor of Laws |
March 17, 1925 | Charles Henry Wacker, Chairman, Chicago Plan Commission, Doctor of Laws |
Frederick August Stock, Conductor, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Doctor of Music | |
November 5, 1921 | Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies, Doctor of Laws |
June 14, 1921 | Frank Orren Lowden, Former Governor of Illinois, Doctor of Laws |
James Rowland Angell, President-Elect, Yale University, Doctor of Laws | |
Marie Sklodowska Curie, Professor of Radiology, University of Warsaw, Poland; Professor of Science, University of Paris, France, Doctor of Science |
October 22, 1919 | His Eminence Desideratus Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malines, Doctor of Laws |
June 6, 1916 | William Henry Welch, Baxley Professor of Pathology,The Johns Hopkins University; Pathologist, The Johns Hopkins Hospital; President, Maryland State Board of Health; and President, Board of Directors, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Doctor of Laws |
Roscoe Pound, Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence and Dean, Law School, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Henry Churchill King, Professor of Theology and President, Oberlin College, Doctor of Divinity | |
William Coleman Bitting, Corresponding Secretary, Northern Baptist Convention; Pastor, Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Doctor of Divinity | |
William Morton Wheeler, Professor of Economic Entomology and Dean of the Faculty, Bussey Institution for Research in Applied Biology, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
Edward Burr Van Vleck, Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Doctor of Science | |
George Ellery Hale, Director, Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Doctor of Science | |
Otto Folin, Hamilton Kuhn Professor of Biochemistry, Medical School, Harvard University, Doctor of Science | |
John Mason Clarke, State Geologist and Paleontologist, New York, and Director, State Museum and Science Division of the Education Bureau, Doctor of Science | |
John Joseph Carty, Chief Engineer, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Doctor of Science | |
John Caspar Branner, President Emeritus, Leland Stanford Junior University, Doctor of Science | |
Charles Hall Grandgent, Professor of Romance Languages, Harvard University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Hermann Collitz, Professor of Germanic Philology, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
Maurice Bloomfield, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Humane Letters | |
June 10, 1913 | Jonkheer John Loudon, Netherlands Minister to the United States, Doctor of Laws |
June 13, 1911 | Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, Imperial German Ambassador to the United States, Doctor of Laws * Rescinded by the Board of Trustees on March 12, 1918 |
John Clifford, President, Baptist World Alliance, Doctor of Divinity | |
March 21, 1911 | George Edgar Vincent, President-Elect, University of Minnesota, Doctor of Laws |
Frederick Taylor Gates, President, General Education Board, Doctor of Laws |
December 18, 1908 | Walther Johann Wever, Imperial German Consul-General at Chicago, Doctor of Laws |
December 17, 1907 | Theobald Smith, Professor of Comparative Pathology, Harvard University, and Director, Pathological Laboratory, Massachusetts State Board of Health, Doctor of Laws |
June 11, 1907 | The Right Honorable James Bryce, His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States, Doctor of Laws |
December 20, 1904 | Ettore Pais, Professor of History, University of Naples, Italy, Doctor of Laws |
September 2, 1904 | Hugo de Vries, Professor of Botany, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Doctor of Laws |
June 14, 1904 | Joseph Henry Beale, Jr., Professor of Law, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws |
March 22, 1904 | Herman Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Ambassador to the United States from the German Empire, Doctor of laws |
Charlemagne Tower, Ambassador to the German Empire from the United States, Doctor of Laws | |
Eduard Meyer, Professor of Ancient History, University of Berlin, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Joseph Kohler, Professor of Law, University of Berlin, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Wilhelm Hermann, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Marburg, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Paul Ehrlich, Director, Royal Prussian Institute for Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Berthold Delbrück, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, University of Jena, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
December 22, 1903 | Charles Richard Van Hise, President, University of Wisconsin, Doctor of Laws |
June 16, 1903 | Nicholas Murray Butler, President, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws |
April 2, 1903 | Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, Doctor of Laws |
March 17, 1903 | Jean Jules Jusserand, Ambassador to the United States from the Republic of France, Doctor of Laws |
June 18, 1901 | Marcus Dods, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, New College, Edinburgh, Scotland, Doctor of Divinity |
William Newton Clarke, Professor of Theology, Colgate University, Doctor of Divinity | |
Edmund Beecher Wilson, Professor of Zoölogy, Columbia University, Doctor of Laws | |
Charles Doolittle Walcott, Director of the United States Geological Society, Doctor of Laws | |
Jacob Henry van't Hoff, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Berlin, Germany, Doctor of Laws | |
Edward Charles Pickering, Payne Professor of Astronomy and Director, Astronomical Observatory, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
George Lyman Kittredge, Professor of English Literature, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
William Watson Goodwin, Professor of Greek, Harvard University, Doctor of Laws | |
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek, The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Laws | |
Elisha Benjamin Andrews, Chancellor, University of Nebraska, Doctor of Laws | |
Jules Martin Cambon, Minister Plenipotentiary and Ambassador to the United States from the Republic of France, Doctor of Laws |
October 17, 1898 | William McKinley, President of the United States, Doctor of Laws |